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Flensburg Rum Company FRC Ghana White 100% Pot Still 2022 Unaged 65%

RX15396 Good White Rum 320 bottles Under 100€

Discover the vibrant essence of Ghana with the Flensburg Rum Company FRC Ghana White 100% Pot Still Rum. Crafted with traditional pot still methods and bottled at a robust 65% ABV, this unaged rum bursts with the fresh and fruity flavors of sugarcane, apple, and pear, complemented by a unique ester profile. Its potent spirit carries hints of burnt sugar, offering a distinctive, aromatic nose that captivates from the first sniff. Despite its strong alcoholic presence, this rum shines with its freshness and complexity. Ideal for those curious about the authentic Ghanaian distillery character or seeking a formidable base for a standout Ti-Punch. Experience the true spirit of Ghana through this limited edition, carefully selected by Oldman Spirits GmbH.

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Where can I buy this rum?

2 shop offers available from 54.90 to 54.90:

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How does this rum taste?

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Sugarcane Grass Fruit schnapps Apple Pear Fresh


Ester Apple Alcoholic Burnt sugar Fresh Fruity


Alcoholic Fruit schnapps Fruity Grass Citrus

Community reviews

7.5/1010 ratings
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“On the nose, Ghana is immediately recognizable, delicious. On the palate, however, I do not like the rum so well, it is somehow flat and strong at the same time, so flat in terms of taste, strong in terms of alcohol, the combination does not fit. Since the grandiose label can also save nothing. However, I can imagine that the rum would make an excellent Ti-Punch.”

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“Puuuh der hat Dampf! 65% ganz eindeutig, schmeckt wie ein Obstler, allerdings kein schlechter. Im Vergleich zum 2-jährigen Honeybatcher klar flacher und insgesamt recht eindimensional, dem Stoff tut Lagerung gut. Eventuell was für einen Drink. Ich probiere Rum gerne auch umgelagert pur, um den Destillerie-Charakter besser zu verstehen, aber der macht mir wenig Spaß…”


Fruit schnapps Sugarcane Grass Apple Pear


Apple Ester Alcoholic Burnt sugar

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What are the key facts about this rum?

Flensburg Rum Company
White Rum
Pot Still
No. of bottles
Bottle volume
Price range
Under 100€
Type of spirit

What is the price trend for this rum?

56 €
Ø Market value

Community purchase statistics

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