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Rhum Chantal Comte La Tour De L‘Or 46,04%

RX4681 Good Rhum Agricole AOC 1,250 bottles

The "La Tour De L‘Or" was produced in Martinique at the Distillerie du Simon distillery. It was selected and bottled by the independent bottler Rhum Chantal Comte. It was distilled from Sugar cane juice with a Column Still. The rum has an ABV of 46,04%. This is a limited release and there are only 1250 bottles.

4 community members rated this rum with an average of 7.0/10. The rum smells like Sugarcane, Vegetal and Fresh, and on the palate there is Fresh, Sugarcane and Vegetal.

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How does this rum taste?

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Sugarcane Vegetal Fresh Eucalyptus Oily Licorice


Fresh Sugarcane Vegetal Chili Licorice Light


Vegetal Chili

Community reviews

7.0/104 ratings
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“Le nez est porté sur un côté végétal, frais avec la canne puis la réglisse. En bouche ce sont les mêmes notes qui dominent, plus il s'ouvre plus la réglisse prend de l'ampleur. La fraîcheur et la réglisse persiste assez longtemps en bouche. C'est bon mais on est habitué à un niveau largement supérieur avec chantal comte...”


Sugarcane Vegetal Fresh Eucalyptus Oily


Fresh Sugarcane Vegetal Chili Licorice

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What are the key facts about this rum?

Rhum Agricole AOC
Made from
Sugar cane juice
Column Still
No. of bottles
Type of spirit

What is the price trend for this rum?

Community purchase statistics

The RumX community has already added 21 bottles to their collections:








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About the Distillerie du Simon distillery

The Distillerie du Simon distillery is located in Martinique. Rums from Distillerie du Simon have been reviewed 3,586 times with an average of 8.0/10.

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